
How Can You Naturally Boost Testosterone?

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There are a few strategies to increase your testosterone levels if they are low. If your testosterone levels are low, you may need testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), but you can also try boosting them naturally.

Many issues might arise from low testosterone levels. There’s a chance you won’t be able to make any progress at the gym no matter how hard you try, as that fatigue and sluggishness due to a low level of testosterone can carry over to your daily life as well.

A number of factors, including simply getting older, can contribute to low testosterone. Testosterone levels in men gradually decrease by about 1% per year beyond the age of 35. Maintaining optimal levels requires constant replenishment. There are many ways to increase your testosterone levels, as you can try enhancing its levels through completely natural means.

In this article, we will talk about how you can boost your testosterone level naturally. Let’s have a look at the natural measures you can go for-

Staying Active

According to research published in the European Journal of Applied Physiology, testosterone levels rise simultaneously with physical activity. A different study found that raising testosterone levels through exercise was more effective than dropping pounds.

However, it is important not to overdo it, as extreme activity might reduce testosterone levels. In fact, the same study suggested that low testosterone levels could be a problem for long-distance runners. The study’s authors argued that low levels of energy and poor nutrition could be to blame.


Losing Weight

Scientists have discovered that testosterone levels are lower in men who are overweight. According to a study published in Clinical Endocrinology, some overweight teenage and young adult males had as much as 50% less testosterone than their normal-weight counterparts. So, you can try losing weight and having a perfect BMI level, which is 18-24 to boost your testosterone level.


Having A Balanced Diet

The food you eat may have an impact on your testosterone and other hormone levels. Furthermore, extreme dieting or overeating on a regular basis may cause testosterone levels to drop or rise.

Consuming an adequate amount of protein can promote healthy testosterone levels and may also facilitate weight loss. A diet rich in healthy fats has been linked to improved testosterone levels and hormonal harmony. According to certain studies, low-fat diets can have the opposite effect and lower testosterone levels.

Therefore, the healthiest diet is one that consists primarily of whole foods because of their high nutrient and mineral content. Your hormone levels and general health can both benefit from a diet that strikes a good balance between protein, fat, and carbohydrates.


Taking Testosterone-Increasing Vitamins and Supplements

Your testosterone levels might be improved by taking certain vitamins and minerals, such as-

Vitamin D

About 42% of adults suffer from a lack of vitamin D. That’s a concern for a number of different reasons: low vitamin D levels have been linked to mental health issues including depression and mood swings, as well as chronic skin problems and fatigue.

Vitamin D deficiency may also reduce testosterone production, according to recent findings from Danish researchers. Vitamin D supplements may considerably increase T levels, according to a study published in the journal Nutrients.

Vitamin D can be increased by either increasing sun exposure, consuming fatty fish like salmon, tuna, and mackerel, or taking supplements like vitamin D3 pills.



Magnesium increases testosterone levels by preventing the interaction of SHBG with testosterone. Spinach, almonds, cashews, and peanuts are all good sources of magnesium. Aim for a daily intake of 400–420 milligrams of magnesium from food and supplements.



Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) both boost testosterone production, and zinc is a fantastic supplement that will help kickstart the production of these hormones. In addition, zinc is known to increase sperm motility, which is especially important for men with low testosterone (or hypogonadism) who are concerned about their fertility.

Oysters naturally contain a lot of zinc, but most morning cereals also include added zinc. Your daily intake should consist of 11 milligrams of this mineral.

Supplements may be helpful for maintaining normal testosterone levels, despite the heated discussion around the advantages of multivitamins. If you have any preexisting health concerns or are using any other medications, you should see your doctor before adding any supplements to your routine.


Using Natural Herbs

There are some herbs that can be really helpful in boosting your testosterone levels naturally, such as-


Ashwagandha, an adaptogenic plant that increases the body’s resilience against external stressors, has the most promising scientific backing of any herb. Scientists think the plant may protect against testosterone-lowering inflammation, cortisol production, and oxidative stress.


Research on fenugreek suggests it may help boost testosterone and alleviate some of the symptoms—like a lack of sexual desire—that accompany low testosterone. It’s possible that the herb’s T-improving effects come from increasing the levels of free testosterone.


Shilajit is a natural product that results from decomposing plants. In one short trial, total testosterone levels were found to be significantly higher in men who took shilajit compared to those who took a placebo.


Cooking Your Meals with Testosterone-Boosting Foods

What you eat can either raise or lower your testosterone levels. Here are some foods that can help you with the former-

Garlic and Onions

In the same way that garlic and onions may elevate a mediocre dish in the kitchen, they can do the same for testosterone. Garlic and onions, both high in flavonoids, which are potent antioxidants that help regulate cellular function and counteract harmful free radicals, contribute to the development of healthy sperm. Onion and garlic specifically stimulate luteinizing hormone, which in turn increases testosterone production.


Antioxidant-rich ginger, like garlic and onions, may benefit men whose testosterone levels are low because of oxidative stress. Ginger also enhances the quality of sperm.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Antioxidants included in extra virgin olive oil (EEVO) have been shown to reduce T-lowering inflammation and oxidative stress.

The monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) that make up the majority of EEVO have been shown to lower “bad” LDL cholesterol while increasing “good” HDL cholesterol, both of which are required for testosterone synthesis. Testosterone and luteinizing hormone (LH) levels were observed to increase in a study using EEVO and other dietary oils.


Making Sure to Get Lots of Quality Sleep

In terms of health, sleep quality is on par with that of food and exercise. Apart from your health, how well you sleep may have a big impact on the testosterone levels in your body as well. One study involving 2,295 adolescent boys and males indicated that poor sleep quality may be associated with low testosterone levels.

Individual sleep needs vary widely, but one small study from 2011 indicated that men who slept for only 5 hours per night experienced a 10%–15% drop in testosterone. One study involving middle-aged and older males discovered an interesting correlation between longer sleep duration (up to 9.9 hours) and higher testosterone levels. Sleeping longer than 9.9 hours was associated with a decline in testosterone.

Some people may function adequately on less sleep, however, the majority of studies advise getting at least 7 hours of sleep a night.


Minimizing Stress and Cortisol Levels

Studies have shown that prolonged stress is harmful because it raises cortisol levels in the body. When cortisol levels spike suddenly, testosterone production might drop abruptly. These hormones frequently operate in a seesaw fashion, with one rising as the other falls.

High levels of the stress hormone cortisol have been linked to increased appetite, weight gain, and the accumulation of dangerous visceral fat. As a result, your testosterone levels may drop as a result of these alterations.

Try to lessen your stress if you want to have balanced hormones and a healthy body. It may help to keep active, get enough sleep every night, and learn how to deal with stress.


Taking Light Therapy

Light therapy is one of the most popular and effective forms of therapy, as it helps deal with a wide range of physical and mental health issues. Among different types of light therapy, red light therapy can help to enhance your testosterone levels. Strong red light is used for this therapy, and when you take this therapy, the light will penetrate your skin and muscles to work on a cellular level, to help generate necessary chemical reactions and hormones, including testosterone.

When you feel the need to boost your testosterone levels, you can go through light therapy regularly for a certain period. It will also help reduce your stress levels and ensure that you get good and proper sleep regularly, which will also help boost your testosterone levels naturally. You can take light therapy easily at home by using a light therapy device.


Reducing Alcohol Consumption

Alcohol and testosterone have a complicated dynamic. Excessive alcohol consumption has been linked in certain studies to lower levels of the male hormone testosterone. It may take as little as 30 minutes for alcohol to reduce testosterone levels. Consistent heavy drinking has been linked to diminished sperm production and atrophy of the testes.

Alcohol dependence and the initiation of alcohol use can be predicted, at least in part, by measuring testosterone levels in adolescent boys and young men, according to a number of studies. Heavy drinking and earlier initiation of alcohol usage are both related to higher levels of alcohol in the saliva and blood.


Final Words

At the age of 19, a man’s testosterone levels are at their highest. After age 30, they typically decline by 1%–2% annually, while some people experience stabilization in their 40s and beyond. Since low testosterone has been linked to obesity, higher illness risk, and premature death, its drop is a cause for concern. Individuals assigned female at birth also need healthy levels of testosterone, estrogen, and progesterone. To maximize testosterone levels and improve health in general, try adopting some of the suggestions made above into your food and way of life. You can easily try boosting testosterone naturally through diet and exercise, or through supplementation.